[{"info": "\u200b\n\nI usually don't like parking in the city. The traffic stinks, every other\nstreet is one-way and I have to pay for my spot on top of all that.\nApparently, I'm living in the wrong place.\n\nAuthor Doug DeMuro was recently paid $1,000 just to park his Ferrari 360\nModena on the set of a movie filming in Atlanta. (Isn't that kind of car\ncompensation enough?) Nobody touched it or did this with it:\n\nThere is a down side, though. DeMuro says, \"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you\nwhat role it played, or even what movie it was in, as a condition of accepting\nthat thousand dollars.\"\n\nSo keep your head on a swivel, y'all. I just hope that if you do see this\nprancing horse on the big screen, you do it at a theater with its own lot.\nNuts to feeding a meter.\n\nPark it in the forum instead.>>\n\nvia [Jalopnik]\n\nphotos [Ferrari] and [Jalopnik]\n\n\u200b\n\n", "videos": ["http://www.youtube.com/embed/_S7AyiVfNdA?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent"], "title": "It Pays to Own a Ferrari \u2013 Literally", "image": "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/360modena-slider1-620x227.jpg", "ts": 1408623066.931081, "images": ["http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ferrari.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/360modena-slider.jpg"]},{"info": "\u200b\n\n \nIt looks like Lotus is expanding their line-up with just another Elise model\nwhen looking at this Elise testing on the Nurburgring. Who in their right mind\ndoesn't love or covet the Lotus Elise? It's cheap. Reliable. Fast as all get\nup. And weighs about the same as a small dog.\n\n\"At first it looks mostly like the track only Elise S Cup R with its body kit\nand big rear wing,\" an insider source says.\u00a0\"But then we see that the external\nbattery isolator switch and the external button for the fire extinguisher are\nmissing making us believe that Lotus might be working on a road going version\nof the Elise S Cup R.\u00a0If that's the fact, it could probably be revealed at the\nParis motor show in October.\"\n\n \nThe Elise\u00a0is literally the benchmark of performance whenever a company or an\nindividual wants to create a lightweight sports car. Seriously, every single\nlight sports car since the model's inception has been bench marked against it.\n\n \nThe Boxster, the 4C, the Toyobaru twins, even some other weirder cars have\nbeen bench marked from the Elise, at least in the handling department, like\nthe Hyundai Equus.\n\n \nThat's why whenever we all get wind of a new Elise, you start to see every\nauto journalist start to salivate and start ringing up the UK to press the PR\nreps for a drive when it finally debuts. And I'm guessing the folks at Lotus\njust got a hell of a lot of phone calls.\n\n \nEarlier this week, our spy photographers caught an Elise going around the\nNurburgring. For some that's not news. Elises are there all the freaking time.\nBut this one had something different about it. A MASSIVE REAR WING!\n\n \nOk, so there was a lot more to the car than the wing, but seriously, that\nthing is huge! In addition to the rear spoiler, the front lip spoiler and the\nrear under tray look to be going for metric tons of down force.\n\n \nBut here's the thing, the Elise has never been that powerful to really need\nall this downforce. Couple this with the fact that Lotus is being fairly tight\nlipped about the car which makes us think that it's possibly a mule for\nsomething coming soon.\n\nLet's hope everyone's favorite lightweight sports car is going to be debuted\nsoon. Here's what I hope is actually under that skin!\n\nJoin the Lotus fanatics in the forum.>>\n\nFollow @jonathon_klein\n\n\u200b\n\n", "videos": [], "title": "Lotus Testing \u201cSomething\u201d at N\u00fcrburgring", "image": "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-S-Cup-R-roadslider-620x227.jpg", "ts": 1408624938.406081, "images": ["http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-S-Cup-R-road-version-001-1024x682.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-S-Cup-R-road-version-003-1024x682.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-S-Cup-R-road-version-006-1024x682.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-R-7-1024x653.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-R-2-1024x650.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-S-Cup-R-road-version-004-1024x682.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Lotus-Elise-R-1-1024x654.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/2015-Lotus-Elise-Renderings-Front-.jpg"]},{"info": " \nAdem Solmaz is pure fan of one special car: the BMW Z1 roadster. Watch his\nstory and find out what's the unique feature of the BMW Z1. \n \n \n\n", "videos": ["http://www.youtube.com/embed/LBbRYqBg9yw?wmode=transparent&vq=hd1080&fs=1"], "title": "A BMW Z1 Fan Story", "image": "http://www.bimmerpost.com/storyimages/44054c78-5f32-78f1.jpg", "ts": 1408617703.474156, "images": []},{"info": "Update: \n \nHappy Friday!! \n \nHRE 20\" RS103's \nIND Color Matched Reflectors \nIND Gloss Black Side Vents \nIND Key Delete Color Match Driver \n \nUpdate to rear suspension w H&R 435i Rear Sport Springs + M3/M4 H&R 50474\nFront Springs \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nOriginal Post: \n \n \nAlmost 1 month has passed since we took delivery of our F80 M3 and have\nenjoyed every minute of her! \n \nWe have been taking a few pics along the way but havent had a second to start\nthe build thread so here we are posting up some pics. \n \nLoving every minute and excited to bring some great performance mods to the\ncommunity. \n \nWe picked up the M3 from Encinitas BMW from Ash Kashani who by the way was\ngreat to deal with. All paperwork via email/fax and the salesman himself\ndelivered the car up to our warehouse. Great service! Highly recommended. \n \nSome stock photos: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nIf you have any questions, please feel free to PM, email or call us anytime\nand we will do our best to get you the info you are needing.\n\n", "videos": [], "title": "F80 M3 Sitting on HRE RS103 Wheels and H&R Springs", "image": "http://www.bimmerpost.com/storyimages/44054c78-f7f1-726a.jpg", "ts": 1408618929.5388, "images": []},{"info": "\u200b\n\n\n\nLast\u00a0weekend I got to go to my first ever race where I had press credentials!\nTo say I was excited is just not the right word to describe me jumping up and\ndown, shouting \"WOOO HOOO BITCHES,\" and generally acting like a complete fool.\n\nThis all started when I found out I could apply for press credentials after\ngetting them for the LA Auto Show. I knew that the TUDOR United Sportscar\nChampionship was coming up in a few weeks so I talked to my editor John, and\nasked him if he would be interested in doing some stuff with the race.\n\nHe said that would be awesome and so I contacted Road America. I figured it\nwould take a few days or at least a week to hear that \"I didn't have enough of\na racing background to qualify for the creds\" so my hopes were definitely not\nup. Then two hours after I submitted my credentials, I got a confirmation\nemail from Road America saying I was in! I WAS IN!\n\nI didn't know what to expect, I didn't know what to do? All I knew was how to\nget to Road America, after that, it was a complete crap shoot. How do you\ndress for events like this? Is it casual? Professional? Should I buy a fire\nsuit?\n\nI asked everyone at the office, and everyone on Twitter what I should do. One\nfriend said wear a kilt and act like a loon. In hindsight, I probably could\nhave gotten away with it, but I didn't do that. I figured business casual\nwould probably be cool and then spent the next two weeks not being able to\nsleep from the excitement.\n\n\n\nFinally, the Friday came, I made my two hour\u00a0trek to RA and after a signing my\nlife away, I got\u2026.A wristband. I don't know what I expected, I just figured it\nwould be some form of lanyard, or tag, or cap that said news on it. Something\na bit more special.\n\nBut no matter, I was in! I was greeted by the sound of spec Miatas running\naround the track which is one hell of an introduction. They sound like coked\nup bees, buzzing around at super high frequencies, trying to burrow into your\nskull! It's fantastic.\n\nI made my way to the media office where, as some of you might have read, I\ndidn't really fit in. It was very much and clique, and I definitely wasn't\npart of it.\n\nIn an industry that has been nothing short of brilliant in helping me out and\nmaking me feel welcome, these people single handedly brought me back down to\nearth. After spending the first day primarily in the office, I chose not to go\nback for the following days.\n\nWell that and they gave away my seat to someone else. So I said f' em and hung\nout with the drivers and track workers, because those people were nice.\n\nThe next two days are a whirlwind of heat, noise, desperately trying to walk\nthe gargantuan four\u00a0miles of track, with massive elevation change, and more\nheat and noise. But let me tell you, it was all worth it.\n\nSaturday night I almost collapsed from heat exhaustion, and have sun burn like\nyou wouldn't believe. I spent the whole time past the fences, up close with\ndrivers, up close with million dollar racecars, eating ice cream on the fence\nwhile taking pictures as the cars flew past me and destroyed my hearing. To\nsay it was epic is an understatement. It was just fantastic.\n\nQualifying and practice, and the smaller support races were great, and I would\nhighly recommend anyone to go and see them. However, the headlining race for\nthe TUSC was disappointing. It could only be described as, \"And we're back to\na full course caution.\" You can read the full report here and\u00a0here.\n\nBut in all honestly it didn't matter. It didn't matter people were rude or\ndicks to me, it didn't matter that the heat was oppressive, it didn't matter\nabout the walking, although I did bring my bike for Saturday and Sunday. And\nit didn't matter that the race wasn't spectacular.\n\nNone of these reasons matter, why, because no one could take away the fact\nthat I had worked my ass off to get here. I finally got press credentials. I\ndid that. I didn't have them handed to me, I worked for them. I continue to\nwork for them. This wasn't just a race to cover and shoot pictures. It was a\nvictory. And it was awesome.\n\nBecause I was shooting all weekend, totaling some 6000 images, I'll be\ncreating smaller posts that deal with only one manufacturer at a time, and\nonly my favorite shots so stay tuned! Up first will be BMW!\n\nJoin the victory party\u00a0in the air-conditioned forum.>>\n\nFollow @jonathon_klein\n\n\u200b\n\n", "videos": [], "title": "My First Press Race: Victorious at TUCC", "image": "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/slider2-620x227.jpg", "ts": 1408607760.585983, "images": ["http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10560587_10154497733640694_7191070354100169036_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10608250_10154497733600694_5065710153708372227_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10483255_10154497733450694_162912319651119585_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10515252_10154497733465694_917931360030148058_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10339277_10154497733280694_318623392101847122_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10014722_10154485889455694_5176267095202413083_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10494423_10154497733510694_458581956189958822_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10505155_10154485889480694_2278471127767565057_o1.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10495355_10154497733410694_274100733914022910_o2.jpg"]},{"info": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n", "videos": [], "title": "BMW M4 Wrapped in Green-Grey. Ick.", "image": "http://www.bimmerpost.com/storyimages/44054c78-7c99-6e22.jpg", "ts": 1408621843.613934, "images": ["http://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=d2fb4161d66755e8fc2bd3534ed133d5&attachmentid=1076419&d=1408126748", "http://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=d2fb4161d66755e8fc2bd3534ed133d5&attachmentid=1076420&d=1408126748", "http://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=d2fb4161d66755e8fc2bd3534ed133d5&attachmentid=1076421&d=1408126748", "http://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=d2fb4161d66755e8fc2bd3534ed133d5&attachmentid=1076422&d=1408126748", "http://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=d2fb4161d66755e8fc2bd3534ed133d5&attachmentid=1076423&d=1408126748", "http://f80.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=d2fb4161d66755e8fc2bd3534ed133d5&attachmentid=1076424&d=1408126748"]},{"info": "\u200b\n\n \nThe automotive world needs more people like Mike Kelty. Mike has seemingly\ndone the impossible. Mike lives in the quite little village of Empire\nMichigan. Empire is known for their proximity to the Sleepy Bear Dunes Nation\nLake Shore, voted the most beautiful place in the U.S. back in 2011.\n\nKelty has worked tirelessly to bring back the Empire Hill Climb. The Empire\nHill Climb is a relatively short run up a paved access road leading to a\nscenic picnic area. The event will be held September 20th 2014 from 8:00 A.M.\nto 5:00 P.M. The climb's hay day was back in the sixties and seventies, before\na small subdivision enveloped what was the staging and starting line area.\n\nBeing that the area at the base of the hill is now residential; making the\nrevival happen was no easy feat. \u00a0There were insurance and liability issues,\nbureaucratic red tape to deal with, and of course the homeowners that were\nbeing asked to put up with loud race cars in their front lawns.\n\nI live just a few minutes from Empire and I don't think that there are words\nto describe my excitement for this event. I grew up near Mid-Ohio Sports Car\nCourse and loved going to the track with my father. We moved north to Benzie\nCounty in 1988, a couple hundred miles from the closest permanent road course.\n\nHaving a hill climb this close to home is unbelievable. The hill climb will be\na National Auto Sports Association (N.A.S.A.) sanctioned event and sponsored\nby Hagerty collector car insurance. By N.A.S.A. rules the cars will all be\nrequired to have an approved roll cage as well as other stringent safety\nrequirements. The 'Run-what-ya'-brung\" era is surely behind us.\n\nI have been asked to man the timing station at the finish line and I could not\nbe more thrilled. We are not accustomed to many motorsports events up here in\nthe Northern Lower. I will be posting pictures of the event as well as getting\nsome \"Then and Now\" pictures of the course itself.\n\nIf you, or someone you know, has a N.A.S.A. approved racecar and want to take\npart in a fun weekend event in a beautiful part of the country, I urge you to\ncheck out the Empire Hill Climb Revival Facebook page\n(https://www.facebook.com/EmpireHillClimbRevival) and get registered!\n\nSee you at the Hill Climb! Join the discussion in the forum.>>\n\n\u200b\n\n", "videos": [], "title": "Got a Racecar? Sign Up for the Empire Hill Climb Revival", "image": "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Empire-slider-620x227.jpg", "ts": 1408606799.625009, "images": ["http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Empire-slider.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Empire-2a.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Empire-3a.jpg"]},{"info": "\u200b\n\nThe ability to buy a car as expensive and exclusive as the Ferrari LaFerrari\nis a privilege. Now comes news that just getting the chance to pay the hybrid\nhorse's $2-million list price is also a privilege - one for which some are\npaying an additional $1.68 million.\n\nPeter Brook, Oracle Finance managing director, said, \"It's a buying frenzy out\nthere at the moment for Ferraris and nothing demonstrates that like the\nmillion-pound premiums we're seeing for the LaFerrari.\"\n\n \nEven the Enzo, the last flagship Ferrari, is going for prices that have\ndoubled in recent years. We'll just have to wait to see what kind of financial\nfigures the LaFerrari is able to pull when it's as old as its predecessor. The\nItalian automaker will produce 499 of the former; it made only 399 of the\nlatter.\n\n \nBuyers of other exotics, such as the McLaren P1 and Porsche 918 Spyder, are\npaying outrageous premiums, too. However, the pre-sticker prices for which\nthey're forking over piles of cash pale in comparison to those attached to the\nLaFerrari. Hit the link below to see exactly how much they are.\n\nJoin the poor but happy people in the forum.>>\n\nvia [Carscoops]\n\nphotos [Ferrari]\n\n\u200b\n\n", "videos": [], "title": "LaFerrari Buyers Willing to Pay Mega Bucks", "image": "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/laferrari_slider-620x227.jpg", "ts": 1408619064.633437, "images": ["http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/130013car-960x540_D1TIXE.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ferrari_laferrari_side_high.jpg", "http://www.6speedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/LaFerrariXX.jpg"]},{"info": " \nBMW has introduced the F15 X5 Security Plus model, which will be unveiled at\nthe 2014 Moscow show late this month. Here's info on the X5 Security Plus, via\nBMW: \n \n \n \n \nThe risk of armed violence - and in particular, attack with automatic weapons\nlike the AK-47 - is a fact of everyday life for certain customers. In response\nto this threat, a new level of vehicle security is required. At the same time,\nmore and more people want Sports Activity Vehicles, with all the versatility\nthat they offer to go anywhere and do anything. \n \nBMW is the first manufacturer to respond to these two demands and offer a new\ndegree of security. The result is the new BMW X5 Security Plus, which offers\nhigh level of security on the move and comfortably accommodates up to four\npeople. \n \nInterior \n \nThe interior of the BMW X5 Security Plus is designed to deliver intuitive ease\nof use and maximum comfort, with features such as a raised seating position, a\ndriver-focused cockpit layout and the innovative iDrive system. This also\nhelps make the vehicle safer. Because if you feel at ease and in control of\nthe situation, you will be able to react better to danger. \n \nColours, leathers, fine-wood trims: with the BMW X5 Security Plus, you have\nalmost limitless design possibilities. As you would expect, a large number of\noptions from the BMW Individual range are included in these. \n \nArmor \n \nThe security glazing in the BMW X5 Security Plus is made of a security glass\nlaminate with a polycarbonate coating on the inside to prevent spalling. It\noffers protection not just against attacks with blunt instruments and\nhandguns, but also against the world's most widely used firearm, the AK-47. \n \nBMW uses moulded parts in the BMW X5 Security Plus which precisely follow the\ncontours of the standard model. This way, all the normal airbags can be\nincorporated, without the cabin feeling any less spacious. \n \nSit here, and you know you're safe: the edges of the doors, the places where\nwindows meet frames and the joins between body panels are some of the most\nvulnerable areas of the vehicle to gunfire. But in the BMW X5 Security Plus,\nthese areas are reinforced with steel armour, ensuring that neither bullets\nnor splinters can penetrate the passenger compartment. \n \nChassis / Electronics \n \nThe electronic driver aids and suspension settings have been modified to\nensure optimum driving dynamics with the extra weight of the armour. \n \nCertification \n \nThe BMW X5 Security Plus meets protection level VR6 (tested as per BRV 2009\nguidelines), meaning it is also secure against the world's most widespread\nfirearm, the AK-47. \n \nThe vehicle is officially certified as a whole unit. The BMW X5 Security Plus\nis subjected to tests which involve hundreds of rounds being fired at the\nfinished vehicle, to ensure protection against fire from automatic weapons\nlike the AK-47. This official certification is only given where the complete\nvehicle - and not just the materials used in it - has successfully stood up to\nthe necessary ballistic tests. \n \nBMW xDrive \n \nHaving power is one thing, making intelligent use of it is quite another. And\nthat is exactly what the xDrive all-wheel drive system does in the BMW\nSecurity Plus. However demanding the situation, xDrive will adapt to any\nsurface to ensure maximum traction at all times. So you stay in total control\nof your vehicle. By measuring parameters such as steering angle and the speed\nof the individual wheels, xDrive is able to recognise when the vehicle is\nthreatening to under or oversteer, and react immediately. An electronic clutch\nadjusts the division of engine torque between the two axles in a fraction of a\nsecond, so as to ensure power always goes to the wheels with the most grip.\nThe result is a gripping drive, in every sense. \n \nThe BMW all-wheel drive system, xDrive, ensures your BMW X5 has the best\npossible traction at all times, enhancing agility and keeping you safely on\ntrack, even on fast bends. Under normal circumstances, it distributes driver\npower between the front and rear axles in a 40:60 ratio, and changes this\nfigure variably when the road surface or overall driving conditions change. \n \nWhen parking, the system reacts to the need for high manoeuvrability at low\nspeed by opening the clutch completely so the powertrain functions optimally.\nBMW xDrive is regulated by Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) and uses\ninformation from the latter system's sensors to monitor road conditions. In\naddition, brake force courtesy of DSC is used when there is traction\ndifference between the two sides of the vehicle and wheel spin is likely. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n", "videos": [], "title": "2015 BMW X5 Security Plus Stops AK-47s", "image": "http://www.bimmerpost.com/storyimages/44054c78-70fe-df6a.jpg", "ts": 1408621675.659951, "images": ["http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078218&d=1408462951", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078211&d=1408462868", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078212&d=1408462868", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078213&d=1408462868", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078214&d=1408462868", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078215&d=1408462868", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078216&d=1408462868", "http://f15.bimmerpost.com/forums/attachment.php?s=3c1c69fa23c98d1f4517684bae920891&attachmentid=1078217&d=1408462868"]},{"info": " \n \n \n\"The all-electric FIA Formula E Championship has today confirmed that its\ncourse cars for the inaugural season will be fitted with Qualcomm Halo\u2122\nwireless charging technology.\" \n \nWith the final specification of car set to be announced shortly, the\nchampionship's technical team took advantage of today's final test at\nDonington Park to trial two BMW i8 and two BMW i3 models with the aim to\nevaluate them for the series' official course cars. Earlier this year, the\nGerman marque was part of the Global Launch event of the Formula E in London. \n \nAll four BMWs have been specifically modified to meet FIA requirements, with\none of the BMW i3 models featuring an inductive charging system from Qualcomm\nIncorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM), with the remaining three vehicles set to be\nadapted at a later stage. The technology has been developed by San Diego-based\nQualcomm Incorporated, one of the official Founding and Technology Partners of\nthe series and a global leader in 3G, 4G and next-generation wireless\ntechnologies. The Qualcomm Halo\u2122 technology uses resonant magnetic induction\nto transfer energy between a ground-based pad and a charging pad fitted to the\nunderside of the vehicle. The cars can then simply park over the base pad for\ncharging to start automatically. \n \nThe chosen safety car - which will be officially entitled the Qualcomm Safety\nCar - will be driven by experienced driver Bruno Correia, whilst the medical\nand extraction cars will be overseen by FIA Medical Delegate Dr Phil Rayner\nand his team. The cars will be positioned at the end of the pitlane, charging\nwirelessly and ready to be rapidly deployed as required during each practice,\nqualifying and race. \n \nSteve Pazol, GM, Wireless Charging at Qualcomm Incorporated, said: \"Qualcomm\nis honoured to be an integral part of FIA's Formula E Championship. As\nelectric vehicles become more ubiquitous, charging them wirelessly is an\nobvious next step in the EV evolution and we are excited to showcase this in\nFormula E. Motorsport is a known proving ground for new technologies, and in\naddition to our wireless EV charging technology, Qualcomm will be bringing\nmore of its technologies to bear as the series goes forward.\" \n \nAlejandro Agag, CEO of Formula E, said: \"Qualcomm's wireless charging system\nis ground-breaking technology and represents an exciting evolution for\ncharging electric vehicles. Wireless charging has the potential to radically\nimprove the electric vehicle driver experience and Formula E provides the\nperfect platform in which to develop, test and showcase this exciting new\ntechnology.\" \n \nsource: FIA \n \n\n", "videos": ["http://www.youtube.com/embed/fc-pf7FkX0E?wmode=transparent&vq=hd1080&fs=1"], "title": "FIA Testing BMW i8 as Official Formula E Safety Vehicles", "image": "http://www.bimmerpost.com/storyimages/44054c78-c84e-9d32.jpg", "ts": 1408627216.834009, "images": []}]